Contact details

90-004  Łódź, ul. Piotrkowska 103/105

How to find us

From Fabryczna Railway Station

It takes only 8 minutes by car in south – westerly.

From Lodz Kaliska Railway Station

You need to drive to the east about 3 kilometers, what should take you 10 minutes.

Enter from Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, Wroclaw

Enter from Warsaw / Poznan: you need to drive to the south – western to the city center.

Enter from Wroclaw / Krakow: drive to the north – easter direction to the city center.

From Airport

Drive to the north – easter directionto the city center.


How far is the Manufaktura Shopping Center?

Manufaktura is located by 58 Drewnowska St. From Pietryna Apartments the easy way to get there is take a tram at Kosciuszki – Struga tram -stop in north. You can also walk about 30 minutes, most of time by Piotrkowska St. in Wolnoscisquare direction.

Where is the nearest quarded car park?

The nearest quarded car park is 200 meters from Pietryna Apartments. It’s by 36 Kosciuszki St., which takes you 5 minutes walking distance.

Is the breakfast included?

The location of our apartments gives you many opportunities to eat at the Piotrkowska St. We do not provide a breakfast in Pietryna Apartments. Our staff will inform you which restaurants are open from 7 AM, so you could try delicious meal.

Are the apartments connected to each other?

The apartments 1A and 1B are two separated flats. The balcony is common with a glass door in the middle. If you need to rent two apartments, just let us know, we leave the glass door stay open, otherwise this door stays locked.